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Why Donor Human Milk is an Essential Need During COVID-19

This is a difficult time, and like so many other organizations, businesses, and individuals, the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) is quickly gaining information and guidance for COVID-19.

HMBANA is working closely with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to optimize safety and to work diligently to ensure no interruption in the supply of safe donor human milk.

Milk banks provide an essential service. They continue working through the pandemic and understand that the highest priority action is to increase donor screening and pasteurization activities to ensure that fragile babies have access to life-saving milk. With the knowledge that the peak of this pandemic is still weeks or months away, it is paramount to procure and process milk as rapidly as possible to safeguard our supply.

HMBANA's full statement isĀ here.

Page added: April 2, 2020.