2024 HMBANA International Donor Milk Conference

Liza Konnikova, MD, PhD

Liza Konnikova, MD, PhD

Dr. Konnikova is an Attending Neonatologist and a Mucosal Immunologist. She is an Associate Professor in Pediatrics and Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences. She is also a member of the Human and Translational Immunology Program and Program in Translational Biomedicine at the Yale School of Medicine. She received a BA, summa cum laude, from Brandeis University majoring in Biology and Chemistry. She then matriculated to an MD PhD program at Tufts School of Medicine where she received a PhD in Physiology studying the role of STAT3 in glioblastoma multiforme. She then did both pediatric residency and NICU fellowship at Boston Children's Hospital and stayed on as faculty as a neonatologist while completing a post-doctoral fellowship in mucosal immunology in Dr. Scott Snapper's group. She started her own group in 2017 at the University of Pittsburgh and three years ago moved her group to Yale University School of Medicine. Her group focuses on the development of human mucosal and peripheral immunity. using the system's immunology approaches.