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Nonprofit Milk Banks Step Up During Formula Crisis, Dispensing Nearly 10 Million Ounces in 2022

2/20/23, Fort Worth, TX – The Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) today announces it dispensed nearly 10 million ounces of donor milk in 2022. When the United States faced an unprecedented formula shortage earlier this year, nonprofit donor milk banks saw a surge in demand for donor milk. During the height of the crisis, members answered the calls of desperate families seeking help to feed their babies. While that surge has leveled off, the amount of milk dispensed still increased overall by 8.4% in 2022. 9.9 million ounces of pasteurized donor human milk made its way to fragile babies in North America.

Executive Director Lindsay Groff noted, “No one expected the infant formula shortage, but our members were poised to redouble their efforts and help the community. We are so grateful for the coverage of nonprofit donor milk banking which increased awareness. When families heard the call to action, they rose to the challenge and donated milk to save babies' lives.”

Throughout the pandemic and this national emergency, the size and geographic reach of HMBANA’s network of milk banks ensured a strong supply and service. All 31 HMBANA members share the same high clinical standards while advocating for equitable access to donor milk.

CONTACTS: For media inquiries, please contact Lindsay Groff at or (817) 810-9984.

HMBANA is a nonprofit organization that accredits nonprofit milk banks in the United States and Canada. HMBANA’s mission is to improve the health and survival of infants through the safe, equitable provision of donor milk. HMBANA’s member milk banks help healthy lactating people donate their extra breast milk to support medically fragile infants. Learn more here: