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Nonprofit Milk Banks Celebrate Modest Growth, Despite Pandemic

2/16/21, Fort Worth, TX – Despite COVID-19 and all the uncertainty that came along with it, the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) and its network of nonprofit member milk banks dispensed nearly 7.5 million ounces of pasteurized donor human milk to fragile babies throughout Canada and the US.

Executive Director Lindsay Groff noted, “When the pandemic first hit, we were all, understandably, concerned that supply could plummet. However, the exact opposite happened. Donors showed up in record numbers to provide their excess milk for babies in need. I am continually amazed by the generosity of our donors; I am particularly moved by the selflessness from donors during these challenging times.”

A record-breaking 14,093 total donors gave abundantly in 2020, a 13% increase over 2019. Our member milk banks responded quickly to the rapidly changing circumstances during the pandemic by offering mobile blood draws, contactless drop-offs, and porch pickups. The collection and distribution remained safe, throughout the challenges and restrictions during COVID-19.

HMBANA President Becky Mannel stated, “I am very proud and not at all surprised at how our HMBANA milk banks continued to work together as a team, sharing ideas on how to manage during this unprecedented event, and stepping up to meet the needs of the babies, families, and hospitals that we serve.”

The size and geographic reach of HMBANA’s network of milk banks ensures robust supply and service. All 30 HMBANA members share the same high clinical standards while advocating for ethical sourcing and equitable distribution of donor milk.